Friday, September 05, 2008

Hehehes. Bro bought sis-in-law, sis and i to eat durain. ;D

Ya. He drove us through the red light district. Ya, then i got reprimanded for taking photos. I was snapping away and all of the sudden, a man pointed at me and few guys surrounded the car. Demanded for the photos to be deleted. Ok lor...

Decided not to go for the surgery. Not i don't want, is i cannot. Hahahas. I am only 15(going on 16), i cannot make decisions for myself. -o- Daddy said he will put aside 4000 bucks and he promised he will give me that sum of money if i really really really wanna do in the future. I hope its true and I am quite sure that it won't cost only 4000 in the future. ;[

I am scared that my bones will grow and turn into one of the chin in the photos. ;[ I must ask my dentist about it. Yes, i have a list of things to ask her. -o- Found this interesting blog... Hmms?

  1. Can I still do Orthognathic Surgery in the future?
  2. Is my chin still growing?
  3. Will the braces make my lips look fugly?
  4. Can I not have those metal braces. -o-
  5. Can i just have normal braces and not other... weird accessories in my mouth.
  6. Will braces make me look like I'm munching metals?
Ya, I think there will be more. -o- I heard the dentist saying something about rubber bands and metal rings. -o-

Ahh. Why am I making my life so miserable again? ;[

Oh yes, beautiful teeth.
Here I come... ;D

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