Thursday, June 05, 2008

I hereby announce that red is not my colour.

Spilled that bloody cup of milo on my shoes. Time for new shoes. *mumble* Went home to change into slippers because i don't keep extra school shoes. Then... I didn't bring my bloody keys. ;[ I felt like... screaming and laughing at the same time.

Ya. Then i spotted a squashed bloody(i assume) cockroach when i was waiting for bus. I hate cockroaches more than anything else. >;[

I reflected on my way back to mac. I just cannot understand why am i so bloody unlucky. Then Mai enlightened me... It's because of my bloody red class t-shirt. HAHAHAS. Really. ;[ My mother said the shirt is 'not very flattering' but i insisted on wearing it cause later people say i not sporting. Should have listened to her...

Never mind. Blame on myself for being so careless. ;[ Passed Marissa her cream and rushed home cause i felt that i really look horrendous... Big red class t-shirt, slippers and my sian face. -o- Repeated my bloody story to daddy...

Meeting Jorene is the most un-bloody thing. <3


Red babies.

Nabillah took this. ;D



Yes. Repeated my bloody story to Jorene too. I think. Both of us had quite alot to talk about hahahas. So much similarities... Only she will get what i mean. Hehehes. ;D

Finally, the 'start' of holidays. Hmms. Funny to feel that the end of it is... quite near. ;[

Thank you for reading my bloody post.
Have a nice day.
If you want to know where your heart is,
look where your mind wanders.

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