Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Actually I did a post 2 days ago but I didn't publish it. I have no idea why why why. ;D Hehehhes. CHINESE PAPER OVER! Wah. I was on time today. Didn't bring my entry proof and ic. So I went home to take cause I didn't want to spend 5 bucks when its the last few papers. ;[

Hehehes. So after SS paper I went outie with Marissa. Then met with Chiamin and Yanshan at Bugis. Met with Shien to have supper. ;D Then homey. Kinda shiok. Like, a month since I last took the mrt?

Today... Yanshan came to my housey when I have dedicated my time to watch that very emo korea drama. REALLY VERY EMO AHHHHs! Ya, then Marissa and Chiamin came. Had dinner then went to Vivo. We reached there around 8pm? So when people were on their way home, we are heading the opposite direction. -o-

Some photos to liven up this blog a little...






Hehehes. Hair was weird. Like, used to clipping it up. Hahahas. My fringe reached my nose. ;D Gonnna cut on the last paper. They say exams cannot cut hair. Hahahas. But I'm going to trim eyebrow tomorrow. Hmms... Hair?

Hehehes. Busy like a bee? ;D

Bye carefree people!
It made me wonder how many times we forgive
just because we don't want to lose someone,

even if they don't deserve our forgiveness.

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