Thursday, January 17, 2008

Being a very good saver...

Keep going around telling people he is retiring. Making himself so old. -o- He insisted that he can retire at such a young age while other people are working their heads off means he very lucky. No more free doctors. No more free handphones. No more free memory cards.

I was quite worried at first cause i thought no work= no income= no shopping. ;[ Ya, but daddy assure me that it won't happen. Rich dad, poor daughter (me).

Yea. Daddy will start his 'world tour' after Chinese New Year next month. He will be going with his BFFs(Best Friends Forever). -o-


Normal day. SFL was boring except that UWC was quite interesting. Hmmms. Had extra maths lesson because we have both maths test next week. ;[

Don’t ever complain about growing
old, so many people never get the chance.

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