Friday, January 12, 2007

1. dont understand math
2. last period of math in com lab, i sat in front of the ac. its super urber COLD.
3. rained very heavily AFTER i got down the bus.
4. tinkie bite my finger twice today.
5. tution teacher canceled tuition because it was raining. -o-
6. she woke me up.

1. slept for 3 hours.
2. rain makes me happy. when i am at home.
3. ate skittles.
4. cooked dinner. yums. :]

hmms. the bad things are more than the good things. so its a bad day. :"[

i am in a irritated mood. i dont know why. i LOVE tuition. so i want tuition today. not on monday when i have extra math lesson. the whole day will be filled with math. 3 periods of math lesson. 1h30mins after school doing math. -o- reach home have math tuition.


so i am going to object. >:[ its not my fault that the tuition is canceled today. i reached home early and when the tuition is at 3.30pm. she called me at 4 saying that she cant come. -o-

i was sleeping. so, i continued sleeping.

well, i am not really sure what i am mad about. yes. i am mad about the tuition teacher because this happened TWICE. 3rd time = byebye. somehow, i couldnt stand it. -o- unless her reason is like. my house is having a flood.

marissa has something to say..

marissa :8) says:
marissa :8) says:
marissa says
marissa :8) says:
the night sky is black

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