Saturday, December 06, 2008

Quick update before I head out. ;D

Been hanging around with Jorene the past few days. 'Cover-up' those days I missed out with her. O levels... ;D I guess she is 3/4 updated about me. HAHAHAS. Hearts her manymanymanymany. Aww.

Eh, I have been eating alot. Really alot. I have a whole list of must-eat things. -o- MY BRACES START NEXT WEEEK! Ya. So I must enjoy all the good food. I will lose my appetite after the braces for sure. Hehehehes. I haven get to eat my pontian wanton mee... ;[






Hmms. Work tomorrow. In the morning. Early morning. ;[ M is leaving tomorrow. ;[

To the world, you may be just one person.
But to one person, you may be the world.

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